
WICET is committed to addressing potential environmental impacts of the terminal.

Environmental factors have been considered throughout the planning and design phase of the terminal, and an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been developed to document the standards and expectations to be met.

Our approach to the environment is about:

  • Limiting operational environmental impacts of the Terminal through the efficient and sustainable use of resources and materials.
  • Use of sustainable and environmentally effective industry methods and technologies.
  • Respect for the cultural heritage and historical links to the land on which we operate.

Our principles are to:

  • Comply with legislative and approval requirements.
  • Treat protection and preservation as the best forms of environmental management.

Design environmental initiatives

  • The capture of rain water has been considered in the design of the terminal and surplus water on the wharf and jetty will be returned to shore as part of the slurry return system;
  • Water used on site for moisture addition, to minimise dust, and for cleaning conveyor belts will be sourced from recycled water ponds;
  • Vegetation has been planted around the terminal to improve visual amenity;
  • Site lighting has been designed to minimise impact on surrounding areas;
  • Dust minimisation through automated placement of coal on the stockpile, use of enclosed conveyors, and the use of water sprays;
  • Sound insulated equipment to reduce noise pollution;
  • Catch pans on all over water conveyors to contain any spillage;
  • Water system management to contain any runoff;
  • Environmental management offsets to compensate for land clearing required during construction.  This includes rehabilitation of land and the conservation of key areas; and
  • Loss of marine plants through wharf development activities will be offset in conjunction with Gladstone Ports Corporation's (GPC) Whole of Port Offset Strategy.

Click to View Environment Fact Sheet 

View Environment Impact Statement

View Supplementary Environment Impact Statement

About coal

Climate change

Gladstone industry groups

WICET is a participating member of the following industry groups: