Corporate Governance

WICET is a proprietary company incorporated under the Corporations Act 2011 (Cth).

WICET’s board of directors (Board) currently consists of an independent Chairman appointed by the Board, and 3 representative directors appointed by WICET’s shareholders.

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The Board is responsible for the overall management and control of WICET, including corporate governance.  To assist the Board in fulfilling these responsibilities, the Board has established the following Board committees:

1.  Risk, Audit, Health, Safety, Environment and Community Committee. This Committee meets at least four times a year and helps the Board to fulfill its responsibilities relating to financial statements and reporting, risk management, insurance, health, safety, environment, community and compliance with applicable legislative requirements and internal policies.

2.  Remuneration Committee.  This committee meets at least twice a year and assists the Board to fulfill its responsibilities relating to remuneration of personnel.

WICET’s Chief Executive Officer, with the support of the WICET Leadership team, is responsible for WICET’s day-to-day management.